Worried about swinging because you don’t think you are attractive enough? Want to know if you can still enjoy the swinging lifestyle?
You can relax because everyone can enjoy this sexy lifestyle!
Before we even begin we’d like to remind you that you are amazing! Yes, you! Too often, we are our own harshest critics. We can focus on such minor issues that we forget to consider our total package, which is an incredible prize to share with others. Believe in yourself because we believe in you! Ok, now let’s get to the tips…
1 – Reality Check
If you look at the swinger websites and club advertisements, you’ll see a bunch of really hot models having a blast with a bunch of other really hot models. That is advertising. It is not reality. When real swingers see a picture of a super hot person, we often steer clear thinking it’s either spam or a scam. The truth is that the swinging world is made up of regular people just like you & us. And regular people are sexy. We all have a blemish or two and shouldn’t try to compare ourselves to models who are edited & airbrushed to unrealistic levels. The truth is we are all sexier than we realize & should be proud of ourselves. Yes, this includes you and your partner! Look at your sexy partner. That hottie thinks you are a prize, so have confidence in yourself.
Check out this picture of the very sexy Bed Hoppers UK podcast couple. These are regular people, not edited for imaginary perfection. We think they look hot as hell.
2 – Pamper Yourself
To help make the best first impressions and to boost your self-confidence, invest in some pampering. Treat yourself to a salon appointment and have your hair and/or nails done. Yes, this includes the guys too. Some regular self-care like moisturizing, daily SPF protection, and careful grooming can help you feel & look better.
3 – Beauty Investments
If you want to look your best, make sure to also upgrade your wardrobe. You don’t need to do your entire closet but make sure you have a swinger outfit or two, that makes you feel incredible. Great-fitting clothes can upgrade our appearance and don’t have to be expensive. Clothes that fit our bodies properly can really boost our confidence and can make us more attractive to others. Don’t be afraid to give yourself some help with retail therapy. Replace those baggy & stretched-out clothes with form flattering new styles. Don’t blow the budget on the latest trends. Look for a couple of versatile, timeless pieces like the perfect LBD and a great bustier with jeans.
4 – Bet on Yourself
Start working out on a regular basis. Working out will boost your confidence and boost your endurance for sexy fun. You can start slow and gradually increase. The key is to make it a regular part of your schedule. We all have busy lives but it’s vital that we don’t cheat ourselves from self-care. The goal doesn’t need to be getting crazy sculpted. Working out boosts our physical and mental health. It helps us do a better job helping others (& attracting others) so make sure to prioritize regular workouts.
5 – Reset Your Mindset
Beauty starts from within. If you don’t feel good about yourself, your body language will communicate that and scare away others. Confidence is what is truly sexy to most swingers. Learn to love yourself! You are amazing and sexy, so strut your stuff. Swingers want to meet real people, and real people aren’t perfect. That variety is what makes swinging so exciting and welcoming to all.
6 – Maximize Your Assets
Looks aren’t everything. Swingers want to meet people who are fun and like to enjoy themselves. Can you learn to let yourself enjoy life? Yeah, we think you can too! Think about what you are great at doing and then share it. Are you good at organizing and planning? Think about hosting a meet & greet. Are you good at cooking & entertaining? Invite swinger couples over to your place for dinner and games. Are you good on your feet? Hit the dance floor at a swinger club and invite others to join.
7 – Utilize Swinger Sites
Consider starting your swinger connections online. There are great swinger sites that you can use to find local swingers with similar interests. Optimize your online profile to make a great first impression. Use your best photos, craft an enticing description that gives an alluring taste of your personality, and show off your fun side with some suggested swinger date ideas.
This is a great way to avoid feeling pressured because you can take as much time as you like to craft a great profile and make the best first impression.
8 – Upgrade Your Photos
Before we dive in on this one, let’s be clear we aren’t talking about creating fake images or using those crazy photo filters. We simply want to make the best first impression. Let’s spend some time learning a few selfie tips to better capture our true sexiness. The last hour of sunlight is called the “golden hour” for a good reason. Use it for better pictures. Check out youtube videos to learn about better angles for more complimentary results. Use a good background (nature or fancy hotel rooms are good options). Watch something really funny to put you into a good mood and boost your natural smile. Less is usually more but don’t reveal too much. Better to leave something to their imagination.
Many of us are scared of taking pictures, but that is often because we start with the wrong mindset. Try to think of pictures as empowering. You can control everything about it. You control the time, place, outfit, lighting, etc. You can take as many pictures as you like until you are satisfied with the shots. Remember you are fully in charge so embrace your picture taking.
9 – Head to Swinger Resorts
Swinger resorts are great for fostering connections. There is no rush to judgment. No one is worried about rushing back home for the babysitter or having to get up early the next day. You are all relaxing on vacation and will be there for days. This creates a great opportunity to get to know each other better and lets people really see your amazing personality shine through. Swinger resorts like Desire & Hedonism are some of the most friendly places you can imagine.
10 – Pick Better Club Nights
Swinger clubs love having different party themes. Pick the themes that appeal to you and make you feel most comfortable. Maybe it is the Prom night theme because you feel best dressed up in your tux or fancy dress (nice clothes coming to our rescue again). Maybe it is the football party where everyone is encouraged to wear their favorite team shirt (provides a great conversation starter and something to bond over). Maybe it is the luau night when people wear Hawaiian shirts and grass skirts (enjoy your whimsical side :)). If you are a lady and want an ego boost, head to the swinger club on whatever night the single men are allowed & you’ll be swimming in compliments.
11 – Leave Behind Bad Assumptions
Remember how we started this by doing a reality check? Well, if you have been doing some research you are probably listening to swinging lifestyle podcasts. You have probably heard them talking about their hot & sexy play partners. They are talking about swingers that look just like you.
Yes, seriously! You can be overweight and still be sexy. You can have grey hair and still be hot. We all have the potential to be amazing if we start believing in ourselves. Let’s move beyond our insecurities and discover none of us are ugly and we can all have a great, sexy time together!