Shared by Mr & Mrs. Throwaway
Me and my wife /u/mrsthrowaway8157 have been wanting to get into the swinger lifestyle for many years. We’ve done some threesomes and she’s let me go off with other women on occasion, but we made a new year’s resolution to actually get into the community.
We were lucky enough to find a woman in our general area who knew about some parties and she invited us to one. It turned out it was a newbies welcome party, so that was perfect. It was also a bi party which was new and exciting. So we emailed the host. Then he didn’t get back to us that day, or the next, or the next. And my wife was freaking out, did we do something wrong? Were they at capacity? You stress over every minor thing when you’re new.
Finally the guy emails us back the day before the party. He said he doesn’t even check emails until the day before or day of and then he does them all at once. Sigh of relief on our part. We apologized for being crazy. He laughed it off and said it was perfectly fine. He sent us the address and told us to pay online the door fee ($40 for us as a couple $25 for singles) and he hoped to see us there. He says people RSVP and don’t show up often enough that it becomes annoying.
So day before the party is a Friday. We’re excited and super nervous. My wife wants to get some new sexy outfits to wear. So we leave the kids with the grandparents for the night and go shopping. We had a fun time, I hadn’t been clothes shopping with her in a long time. I picked out lacy undies for her and she reacted with “really? You like those? Ok I’ll try them on for you, love!” So we head to the dressing room together. The employees ok’d us going in as a couple which was nice. And she tried on this and that, this didn’t quite fit, this was awesome, this would be better in a different color, that kind of stuff. She was pleasantly surprised my pick for nighty and panty set she did look really good in and said she wouldn’t have picked it out if I hadn’t said anything. So that night was a lot of fun.
Day of the party arrives. We’re amped up, we go through lots of personal hygiene stuff being very nervous about our own bodies. Every stray hair must be plucked! Every region must be thoroughly cleaned! Lol, we went over the top a bit, but you know, you want everything perfect your first time.
We set out on our journey. In the car we listen to a special sex Mix my wife made. All songs about sex! “I want your sex” by George Michael, “I just had sex” by lonely island, and so on. You get the idea.
Finally we arrive by gps, kinda at least. We’re in the middle of no where. Actually pulled into a farm house by accident first. Had to call the host to figure out where his driveway was. But finally we arrive safe and sound, bring in our dish (it was a potluck, we brought cheese, meat, and crackers), and our booze, it was also byob so my wife brought some wine she likes.
Get in the door and we’re about on time, we were there half an hour after the party started. Not a lot of people there yet though. Not unexpected, so we start talking a bit. Everyone seems very nice. At this point everyone there was older than us by 10+ years at least, but we’re like, ok this is cool. We went in thinking we may or may not have sex with people, so we weren’t worried we weren’t attracted to anyone initially.
So we socialize, tell everyone about how it’s our first time and we’re super nervous but super excited. One older lady tells us this is a great place to start out, this house party was her first experience years ago. She was super nice, everyone was, and she was wearing a lacy nighty. At this point she was the only one in any state of undress. The host also was telling us this party was going to be mostly couples, which he said was pretty nice. More ladies to go around, he says the ladies are always the most popular even at bi parties.
A few more people arrive and some people around our age (mid 30’s) which is nice. We’re loosening up now. My wife is a few glasses in on the wine and she announces she wants everyone to see her sexy underwear. So she takes her shirt off. Most people were still dressed at this point, but I think one guy was walking around in just a t-shirt. And just a few people had already made their way upstairs. The people who went upstairs already knew each other from other parties though, so they were comfortable jumping right into it.
So more socializing, we were told later there was a bit more socializing than is typical, but it wasn’t bad for us. So finally I flag down the guy who owns the house and I’m like, I need a tour. We hung around in the kitchen/dining room this entire time. It was a very large room, but now I wanted to see the rest of the house. He was like, sure yeah. So he shows my wife and I around. It’s a large house, 4,000 square feet. Also really interesting layout. But we finally get to the top floor where all the bedrooms are. 3 bedrooms were open for play, one of which is set up for dungeon bdsm play. There s few people getting it on in one of them, very exciting.
Also at this point we met the dominatrix of the party. She tells us the dungeon is her personal dungeon. She has an arrangement with the guy who owns the house. So she keeps a bunch of stuff there. There’s two benches and a stockade. As well as a rack with lots of toys and tools of the trade.
So we head back downstairs and do more chatting. I’d say we were at least 3 hours in before we finally were comfortable enough to start anything. But my wife did shed her pants to show off her garter belt and stockings. Which she got complimented on.
The host of the party, starts coming around at this point and says he offers oral to anyone who attends the party. Man or woman, no charge, just ask and ye shall receive. So I nudge my wife and I’m like, “you should get in on that.” She giggles and is like “yeah?” And I say, “yeah! I mean might as well say we did something right?!”
I also wanted to add what happened after the party. So after the party my wife and I had a major high. We had an excellent time. We met some awesome people. We drove home and had sex just between the two of us to cap off the night.
Sunday she slept in, but when she did get up I was all over her all day. I just felt super warm and fuzzy. I was hugging her all day. We got on and friended some people from the party. I posted to Reddit. We wanted to tell everyone we could about what happened, but who to tell? Lol. We also called up our one girlfriend who we had a threesome with once and told her in depth what happened. She was very excited for us. She had been encouraging us to join a poly community since our threesome.
A few people got back to us and we started group sexting over kik (it’s what the kids are using these days apparently). So there were like two couples and two single women we were sexting with. In individual groups, not all one big group. My wife felt extra horny, but also exhausted. She made the mistake of also taking our daughter to an ice skating birthday party and going ice skating herself which I think put her over the top to physical exhaustion.
Monday rolls around and we enter back into the realm of normalcy. My wife and I both told each other we had weird confidence highs all day. It was a good feeling.
So that’s our experience into the lifestyle! Very excited on the start of this new journey.
Swing & Tell is a series of real life stories from real life people sharing their experiences with the swinging lifestyle. Please remember that everyone’s situation is unique so what someone experiences might not be what you will experience. Click here to share your story or read other swinger stories.