It is fun & exciting to meet new sexy people. Sometimes that excitement can make us a bit too eager and find us in a situation filled with regret. Dealing with fake accounts and drama couples is never fun. To make your life safer & more manageable, we are here to share a rundown on how to screen your sexy online swinger dating connections.
Understand Everyone is Different
We will suggest many steps you can take to evaluate a potential swinger match better and offer some suggested guidelines. Please remember the lifestyle is filled with many different people who have different preferences. Just because another couple doesn’t want to do something or responds differently than how you want them to respond does not automatically mean they are fake or bad people. It is best to be understanding and consider all the different signals to make the most informed decision that is best for you & your special someone.
Be Picky
Swinging is an incredible sexy bonus to your amazing relationship. You don’t want to risk exposing your relationship to trouble for no good reason, so be picky (in a polite way). There are plenty of swingers in this life, so you don’t have to settle for a bad match. Even if you live in a rural place and wish for more frequent sexy swinger opportunities, you should still be picky. Any night with the love of your life is better than chasing after drama-filled troublemakers. Don’t be afraid of avoiding particular swinger couples. Be smart, and don’t let your excitement lead to bad choices. It is better to be more selective and protect yourself than make a regretful mistake that hurts you or your loving relationship.
Plenty of Communicating
The more you text, email, or talk, the easier it is to spot real swingers for good sexy connections from the fake pretenders and drama-filled trouble cases. If they immediately push for pictures, that is a little alarming. If they demand nudes, that is a big alarm. Fakers and people trying to collect nude photos are much less common problems. More often, they are real swingers, and you want to screen them still to make sure you are an excellent sexy match. Every swinger has a different style & play preference. Find out theirs and share your preferences so everyone can be confident this is a good match. No one wants to waste their time, so do some chatting early to ensure an excellent sexy connection worthy of your effort and avoid worrying about how to break it off with swingers because they aren’t a good match for your swinging style. As much as we are chatting about communicating, remember the ultimate goal is real-life sexy time. Once you verify they are a real & good match, move to meet in real life and avoid getting trapped into a virtual sexy pen pal situation.
Online Research
Join the swinging date site that is popular in your area (these sites are very region-specific). Then check out their online swinger profile. Is it a paid profile? That’s a good sign. Have they been certified or verified? That’s an excellent sign. Do they have current pictures? That’s also nice. Are they connected/friended with any trusted profiles on the site? Does their profile sound like a good match to your style and what you want? The more good signals you find, the better.
DIY Private Investigator Skills
If they don’t have a verified profile on a swinger dating site, you can still check them out. If they send you a picture, you can check it using an online reverse image lookup website. This can (but not always) detect if the photo was stolen from a website which is a horrible sign that they are a fake person pretending to be a swinger. You can also search for their phone number in Google to see if there are any matches. If you are talking with an unverified single person, be on guard to make sure they are not a cheating spouse. A single person most often shares a face picture, which will likely return a match in a reverse image lookup. If they are a swinging couple, don’t be surprised if there are no matches. Most swingers like to be discreet and work hard to keep their vanilla life separate from their sexy swinger time. If you aren’t sure about who is communicating with you, move the conversation to a secure chat app where they can take a verification picture holding up a certain number of fingers that you pick to prove they are the couple communicating with you. Another option is to voice verify via a phone call.
Don’t Stalk Them
We have been talking about how you can check out another couple, but do be careful not to go overboard. Don’t hunt down their professional LinkedIn page. No one wants their sex partner showing up at their work, and that’s basically what you are doing. Don’t insist on connecting via Facebook. Some swingers love Facebook, but many swingers don’t want to mix their family & vanilla friends who are on Facebook with their sexy swinger friends. Don’t constantly message them or demand they interact with you each day. They are potential swinger friends and not your spouse. Swingers don’t like creepy or clingy people. A swinger breakup is no fun. Act mature and demonstrate you can be responsible, understanding, and patient.
Schedule A Virtual Date
Like most swingers, you probably don’t have many free nights, and you want each swinger date night to be a success. One way to help screen new swinger connections is to arrange a virtual date via a secure chat app or phone. This enables everyone to participate and get an accurate preview to see if the chemistry is good enough to schedule a real-life date night. Ask them if you can all talk together via phone or video, and you can talk about what would be a good option for a possible meetup. This is an excellent opportunity for some light flirting with swingers to make sure there is a sexy connection and help preheat your sexy play date.
Arrange First Dates At Swinger Events
We are big fans of arranging first dates at swinger clubs or parties. Why? They are a fun time. If there are any last-minute problems like someone is sick or the babysitter cancels, the other couple can still have a sexy time. It is a safe, trusted place for swingers to meet. You can dress as sexy as you like without worrying about offending vanilla people and most swinger events have space for sexy playtime, so you can often skip paying for a hotel room. Most party organizers screen their guests, so this provides an added level of security for you. Here are other sexy & fun swinger date ideas.
With a little bit of practice, we are sure you’ll be able to spot great sexy connections to make your swinging time a fun time for you and your new sexy friends!!!