Are you about to meet some new swingers for the first time? It’s cool, but you are probably filled with excitement and maybe even some nervous energy or doubts. You might even be wondering about some last-minute advice. Relax. Your pals at Swingers Help are here for you.
This is one of our most common requests, so we’ve put together this quick list to give you the best chance of grinning from ear to ear as you hopefully will be reliving some incredible memories.
Go easy on the alcohol – You want a clear mind to make wise choices and avoid regrets. Also, too much alcohol can sabotage a man’s performance, so go easy and make sure to stay hydrated.
- Regularly check in with your partner – You want to ensure you are both happy and comfortable. Don’t assume anything. You might even want a secret signal or code word to ensure you are on the same page.
Bring extra supplies – Pack a swinger bag with more condoms and lube than you think you will ever need. If everything goes great, there might be multiple rounds of hot fun, and you don’t want to run out of supplies.
- Failure to launch is super common – Fantasizing about swinging is one thing, but actually doing it can be a sensual and mental overload. This is why ED is common for rookie swingers. A good way to combat this is to take small steps. Maybe start slowly with a sexy game or limit your first time to soft-swap.
- Remember that you have plenty of sexy options – Remember you are in control and have plenty of options. If something doesn’t go the right way, you are free to switch back to the same partners or head home and have sexy fun in your own bedroom with the hottest person – your own partner.
- Be present in the moment – Remind yourself to enjoy the moment and the people you are with. Worry less about the small stuff and simply enjoy yourself. This isn’t a competition. It is simply a chance to have some sexy adult fun.
Be generous with compliments – Make your partner comfortable by letting them know how good they look. Be nice to the other couple and say kind words. Compliments make everyone smile, so make sure to spread them around.
- Bring a game – If you aren’t sure how to transition from talking to naughty fun, a sexy swinger game can help. Only pull it out if needed, and don’t worry about finishing it. It’s not about winning the game. It is about everyone having fun and winning in real life.
- Dress to impress – Wear a sexy outfit that makes you feel confident. We all feel nervous about making a good impression, so knowing that we are in a sexy outfit can be a very helpful ego boost to make you feel more comfortable and confident about your awesome self.
Be outgoing – This can be a huge challenge, especially for introverted swingers, but you can do it. Start with small steps like smiling and waving hello. Being friendly will get you very far. Remember to share genuine compliments. Everyone likes to hear them.
- Use open-ended questions – A good way to build a connection (especially if you are feeling nervous) is to have the other person do the talking. Ask them open-ended questions that can’t be answered with simple yes or no answers. Two great topics to ask new swinger friends about are favorite travel spots and how they met.
Phew that is a lot of information. The most important tip is to relax. No matter what happens, you are going home with the sexiest person – your own partner.
If you want more information, you can check out Swingers’ Little Helper, but we’re guessing you don’t have time to speed-read a 300-page book before your date tonight. That’s OK. Remember, you and your partner are a fantastic team. Yes, swinging can be fun and exciting, but it can’t compare to your amazing relationship. Swinging is simply a bonus, a sweet cherry on top of your wonderful connection.