The term “creampie” is responsible for more than one swinger couple giggling while talking about desserts with their vanilla friends. It sounds innocuous enough, but you’d be hard-pressed to say it in a bakery with a straight face, and unless you’re really into cum you probably don’t want it in a pie. So what the heck defines a creampie anyway?
Well, the term creampie comes from porn, when semen is visibly seeping out of a vagina after having sex without a condom. It’s so popular, in fact, that it’s one of the top-rated porn search terms. Creampies can be an extreme post-orgasm turn-on for your sex partner or an arousing spectacle in group or swinger gangbang scenarios. Taking a little extra time to enjoy the post-coital sensation of having cum inside you can be a highly erotic part of the experience and heighten the fun factor of a swinging scenario.
Receiving semen internally or externally can be very intimate, and some couples consider it an essential part of their sexual interaction reserved for their own private sexy time. The thought of being able to come inside your partner without wearing a condom can be arousing to both people involved. It can boost a sexual encounter significantly because it heightens the connection between sexual partners. Given the need to protect ourselves from STIs, it is more common to have it reserved for couples and not done between swinging partners.
For a creampie to take place, obviously, there has to be ejaculation without using a condom. That is a simple thing to understand, but there are some significant considerations when you combine this act with the swinging lifestyle. Among these are consent, safety, and of course, a touch of swinger etiquette. If you like the idea of cum-play, but not necessarily a creampie, fear not! There are many fun options for you too.
Let’s get into it.
Safe Sex & Cum Play
Let’s cover what may be the most important and prominent issue involving internal ejaculation. You are not practicing safe sex when you skip the condom! Not using a condom can be extra hot and heighten stimulation. However, sharing fluids exposes you to the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. To give yourself the best chance of staying healthy, you should not engage in creampies with other swingers.
Having recent negative STI test results does not mean they are 100% STI free. Some STIs can take several weeks before they will trigger a positive test result. There are also some bad apples in the swinging lifestyle that will lie about their STI tests. For your best protection, you should skip creampies and always use condoms when swinging with others.
If you really want to engage with cum play & creampies with your swinging friends with benefits, you can consider forming a closed network of swingers. These swinging groups are not open to random sex partners, which can help reduce the risk level. Closed swinging groups aren’t perfect. They rely on everyone in the group to honor that restriction, so there is potential for trouble if someone strays. Even if everyone does honor that condition, you still have the risk of pregnancy to consider. Make sure to think carefully and talk openly with your partner about what is best for the both of you.
It goes without saying that if you’re going to ejaculate inside of someone, you’d better have their permission first. Not only does having the conversation about where your semen is going save you from an unwanted pregnancy or STIs, but cumming inside a swinging partner can be awkward if unwanted or unexpected. Consent for sex without a condom is not the same as consent for finishing inside your partner. Successful swinging hinges on effective communication and consent. If you find yourself in a swinging scenario without using a condom, this is an important topic to discuss before starting any physical interaction. It’s easy to add this simple question to your initial discussion before heading to the bedroom. If there is any confusion, make sure to restate the question. You want a clear understanding and agreement between everyone.
If you have an online swinger dating profile, and you’re really interested in finding a partner that is interested in cum play as well, you could consider putting it at the forefront of your profile to be direct. This is not an area to risk any confusion. It is an important conversation between couples. You all want to establish swinging personal boundaries that are everyone clearly understands. Internal ejaculation might be off-limits because it can cause jealousy issues or safety concerns with other people. Never assume you have consent, and make sure everyone is okay with the plan.
Pornographic Origins
Another element to consider with creampies is that they originated from pornography. In some porn, the camera would linger with the semen seeping out so viewers could focus on the sexy body literally dripping with cum. So how does that impact swinging? Well, some swinging couples find filming or taking pictures of their adventures to be an erotic element to their swinging endeavors. If you’ve established that everybody is on-board with a creampie experience, you should also ask about filming. This is another important boundary to establish clearly. Never assume another couple’s boundaries are the same as yours.
Someone wanting to film your body as their cum drips from you could be a turn on for you, or it may feel exploitative or objectifying. Remember, it’s all about doing what you are comfortable with and keeping the whole experience positive for everybody. If you feel at all uncomfortable with it, you can say so before, during, or after, and it’s everyone’s responsibility to respect that. Similarly, whether your face or any identifiable tattoos are visible in the video is important for your own personal swinger privacy. Establish those boundaries at the start so that you’re comfortable going for it. Luckily, the swinging community operates on the assumption that every encounter requires understanding and respect, so you can comfortably voice your wishes.
Other types of cum-play
For those among us who find cum-play sexy but don’t like the idea of internal ejaculation with a swinging partner, there are plenty of other fun ways to make the male ejaculation even hotter. Tell your partner to cum wherever you want. Tell him to aim for your breasts or face or whatever you’re into. Taking charge of where he cums can be empowering and sexy for both people involved. Tasting the cum can be a turn on not only for your swinging partner but for your romantic partner as well. The same rules apply to the safe reception of bodily fluids, but have fun with it! The same standard of communication and respect are essential even if there’s no internal ejaculation. Different things are exciting to different people, so make sure to communicate with your sex partners clearly.
The idea of ejaculating inside a sexual partner is hot to many people. Men and women alike fantasize about internal ejaculation. Relishing in cum from the man’s orgasm can make both partners’ reactions even stronger. If you’re unsure if a creampie is a sexy thought to you, why not do what a huge percentage of internet users worldwide do? Watch some creampie porn. There are literally thousands of videos online with the tag “creampie” or “cum play.” You might pick up a few new ideas.