We are working on building new resources for SwingersHelp.com like more videos, articles, online quizzes, free books and more. Those resources unfortunately cost a good bit of money to develop. We have been funding these resources using our own personal money as a way to give back and grow the community we enjoy so much.
Don’t worry we aren’t asking for a Patreon contribution.
To better grow the SwingersHelp.com resources, we have started to participate in the Amazon Associates Program. This helps us monetize traffic that we were already sending to Amazon. It contributes about 2% of any Amazon purchases that originate from this site towards building more resources on Swingers Help. As much as we are grateful for receiving 2% of those $5 sex dice you ordered on Amazon (we truly are), it doesn’t come close to covering the cost of Swingers Help. That is why we will be joining other affiliate programs for items that we have already mentioned on this site and that we personally use. This way, we’ll at least earn contributions when we buy our own personal swinger supplies.
Does this mean we are selling out? Hell, NO! No one can simply buy their way onto this site. All products, services, events etc. must pass our unbiased editorial review. If we wouldn’t personally spend our own money on it, we aren’t going to risk our reputation … well unless maybe Ryan Gosling asked for a favor after spending the most amazing week in bed doing all sorts of … mmmhghhh … ohhhh … uh, what were we talking about?
Swingers Help is our passion project and we have devoted many years to it. We truly love giving back to the lifestyle community, which is why we have happily donated a good chunk of our own money and time over the years building this resource. That being said, we aren’t idiots or too proud to accept contributions to make a better website. If we see money on the ground, we are going to pick it up. If we can stretch the budget of this website by joining affiliate programs for products & services that we already love & mention, why not?
So for full crystal clear, squeaky clean disclosure, we want to state that we are affiliates of some companies and do receive some compensation for purchases made by visitors from Swingers Help when they go to other websites.
Our mission will always be to first & foremost provide only helpful information to our visitors. We want to be 100% clear and communicate the situation to our visitors. If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns whatsoever, please contact us via the contact page.
Stay sexy friends!